Interview with Megan Wong

In a previous post “RE:generation”, I shared the stories of three young people stepping out in the world to heed God’s call. Megan Wong just completed her Mayterm trip to Thailand and Cambodia studying about human trafficking. She has committed to spending six more weeks volunteering in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Recently, I was able to catch up with Megan.

Why were you prompted to on your trip to Thailand/Cambodia?
I came to Thailand and Cambodia to study human trafficking and serve an organization that is fighting against it. I first heard about human trafficking when I came to Westmont College, but never thought I’d be used to in this area. In November of last year, I went to watch the screening of the SOLD documentary at my school, which informs people about human trafficking in Thailand and Cambodia. My heart broke for the children who are suffering from this evil. This documentary showing also turned out to be a promotion for the Mayterm trip offered by my school to Thailand and Cambodia in order to study human trafficking. I felt God pulling on my heart to apply and to stay the whole summer to serve after the trip was over.
You’ve seen a lot during this trip, some of which reveal the darkness and evil present in those places. How is God speaking to you amidst this all?
God has definitely opened my eyes to the immensity of the darkness and evil present in the world, particularly in Southeast Asia. It’s almost overwhelming and I can easily be defeated by witnessing how great evil can be, but the Lord has proved Himself bigger. I’ve seen Him in the faces of prostitutes on the streets of Pattaya, in the children begging on the streets of Siem Reap, in the Killing Fields of Phnom Penh, and He has been clearly saying, “I am here. These are my beloved children. I have not given you a spirit of fear.” He has given me a hunger to hear His voice and He has proven Himself faithful over and over again.
How do you think your life will be impacted upon returning from SE Asia?
I still have six weeks left in Cambodia and I know God is going to do a lot of stretching and growing in me during this time. I’m learning to be here on my own, and to rely on Him for absolutely everything in a way that I never had to while living in the States. Through my time learning with my Mayterm group, I realized that the Lord has given me a heart for suffering people, teaching me how to embrace the uncomfortable situations and to seek Him in darkness. I pray that when I return to the States, I will continue to hunger after God in that same way, to trust in and rely on Him in that same way, and to seek the suffering in that same way.
What is the best way for people to get involved in the fight against human trafficking?
There are many different ways to get involved in the fight against human trafficking. In my opinion, the best way is prayer. I truly believe that prayer will be the force that overcomes this evil. It’s also helpful to continue to inform yourself on the issue. Know where the products you’re buying are coming from; a lot of companies we know and love are successful because of slave labor. By boycotting these companies, we can force them to change their methods of manufacturing. A good place to check is will also let inform you about local businesses in your area that have been charged for using slave labor. There is so much slavery going on in our own backyards and ultimately, the people who will make a difference in destroying the existence of slavery will be the ones who empower themselves to fight it.
How can we pray for you?
Please pray for me to continue to trust and rely on God, for strength and faith, for sensitivity to His Holy Spirit. This happens to be my first time being completely on my own and I’m a long way from home, so please pray for safety and wisdom. Please also pray against the spirit of fear and for a thirst and hunger to see God and hear His voice and to fall more deeply in love with Him.

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One thought on “Interview with Megan Wong

  1. Hello Megan, the great thing about your experience is that you can find faith not in history and circumstances but in the divine. You will be surely missed. What wonderful opinions you express. If more brave souls like you could continue to represent the great truth, oh what a world it would be?

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